2019 Mid-year Report on Status of Freedom of Expression in Myanmar
During the first six months, there are 8 cases charged against 11 journalists and editors regarding the journalistic works of news gathering, publishing and distribution.
During the first six months, there are 8 cases charged against 11 journalists and editors regarding the journalistic works of news gathering, publishing and distribution.
Military officers at the rank of lieutenant colonel usually open cases. Twenty-six cases, 65% of total cases were filed by those.
Union government of Myanmar and regional governments' political bandwagon, General Aung San statue projects reached Loikaw Township, capital of Karenni State in 2018.
(a) Failure to Abolish Article 66(d) of Telecommunications Law The abuse of Telecommunications Law, enacted in October 2013 has been infamous since 2015 when the competing political parties traded accusation…
The Law Protecting the Privacy and Security of Citizens was passed by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Assembly of the Union) on March 8th 2017. Legal experts, civil society organizations and activists criticized…